Thursday, 31 January 2013

Colour in our class.

Today we got some colour up in our classroom.

Lots of students have now finished their Personal Profile pages, which are pegged up in the room. They have our photo and a splash of colour.

We also have some fabric on the walls.

Purple was the colour for our reading area.  This colour helps our imagination, so that when we read exciting stories our imagination is switched on and we can picture what is happening in the book.

Light green helps us when we are learning, so we have that in an area where we will present our written work, and another area where we will show our learning in Maths.

Our class is slowly taking shape...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 8,
    This is David's Mum here. I am impressed with the reasons for the placing of your furniture and the use of colour. It all looks amazing! Well done everyone!!
